At our Orientation Evening, you will have the opportunity to meet staff, tour the school site, have a question and answer session with our current school leaders and find out how we operate at Vanguard Military School. You will learn about the rules, regulations and respect that go into being a Vanguard Recruit. During our Orientation Evening, you will take part in a basic numeracy and literacy test. There is no pass or fail to these tests so they have no influence on the enrolment process rather they are designed for our staff to identify any possible learning barriers or special needs that may exist. We will also use these results to ensure you are in the correct class placements with the right staff supporting you.

Each applicant will have a private one on one formal interview with a member of staff where they can discuss any concerns they have or give more information about their previous schools. This is also a good time for applicants to discuss their goals, what they want to achieve at Vanguard and talk with us about anything they feel may be important during their time at Vanguard. 

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Our Orientation Evenings take about 2 hours and are mandatory as part of your application to Vanguard Military School. Every applicant must bring at least one parent/caregiver to this information evening. On completion of this evening, you will be given an extensive enrolment form along with a date which it must be returned by. This form outlines recruit information required, information about our policies and procedures and a pathway for subject choices. Please ensure that the form is completed in full before returning it to our school office. You can post this or drop it to our reception during school hours. We cannot accept scanned copies. Please note that applications will not be accepted if they are incomplete or if supporting documentation is missing. 

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Please note that we are restricted with the numbers we can take each year and with option choices at all year levels so if applications exceed our maximum number then we will revert to a ballot system to ensure fairness. Every application will receive an email notification of the outcome of their enrolment. 

All applicants must dress smart casual for Orientation Evening. There are standards associated with Vanguard Military School. Hoodies, beanies or hats, ripped jeans or singlets are not appropriate attire for attendance to Orientation Evening. You should dress as if you were going to a job interview.